To prevent the same user while landing page should record the information online (in this case the user name), and then determine which are the user login is already exists. Here has been to use a cache store login user name, but there is a problem is to know when the user is away system? This should clear the cache content on a regular basis, and that is to set a cache time. This time can be the user's session with the value of link failure happens when the user session when the value of the user information in the cache will be empty inside. This reached the landing of the effect of preventing the same time, the specific code as follows:
On the landing place of success:
string key = TextBox1.Text; / / user name text box set to cache Keyword
string uer = Convert.ToString (Cache [key]); / / read the corresponding value of the user cache
/ / Determine whether the cache in the user's information, if the value is not relevant, the user does not login
if (uer == null | | uer == String.Empty)
/ / Define cache expire time
TimeSpan SessTimeout = new TimeSpan (0, 0, System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session.Timeout, 0, 0);
/ / Insert the first time a user login related to cache values
HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert (key, key, null, DateTime.MaxValue, SessTimeout, System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable, null);
Session ["ADMINID"] = TextBox1.Text;
Response.Redirect ("main.aspx");
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